Friday, 1 August 2008

Artist Of The Month...August 2008

Each month I will be looking back over my record collection (Can you still call it a record collection when nowadays it's all CD's and Mp3's? Well, record collection sounds cooler to me anyway) and choosing an artist to celebrate for the month. Beck has the honour of my first Artist of the Month accolade.

If you only buy one Beck album in your lifetime then Odelay, released in 1996 is the one. The others in order of greatness are:

1 - Odelay - 1996
2 - Mutations - 1998
3 - Modern Guilt - 2008
3 - Guero - 2005
4 - Sea Change - 2002
5 - Midnite Viltures - 1999
6 - The Information - 2006
7 - Mellow Gold - 1994


droach75 said...

For some reason its been quite a few years since I sat down and listened to Odealy. I had a strange sense it might have become a bit dated.

After wiping the dust off my CD, I am now about half way through the record and I am glad to say it hasn't dated one bit. My favourite track when it came out in '96 and still today is Where Its At.

Have you seen a deluxe 2xCD version has come out? i think the 2nd CD is of emixes and alternate versions.

Thanks DJ for making Beck your artist of the month and making me revist Odelay. I will post my comments on Modern Guilt and Sea Change in a few days.

DJ said...


I must warn you that Sea Change is quite a difficult listen first time round. It's a million miles away from Odelay but stick with it and let me know what you think.

droach75 said...

I do really like Sea Change, Paper Tiger stood out for me. The CD is very sparse musically which I do really like. It is well produced,,I really like the sound of the guitar on this CD.

However the problem I have is that all the songs are from the same mold, tempo-wise. So by track 8 or 9 you are about done. So I guess in that sense it is a hard listen. Maybe next time I might make it all the way through.

I had a listen to modern guilt when I got it,,however I will give it another listen before I post my comments on that.

droach75 said...

Hey DJ

I can see why you placed this as Becks 3rd best CD. On a 2nd listen this CD truly came alive.

Next up i will check out Mutations.