Wednesday, 6 August 2008

No Star Wars here

Another Year, Another Poll
Empire magazine are doing a 500 greatest films poll here
Here's what I voted for:
1. The Godfather Part 1
2. The Godfather Part 2
3. The Usual Suspects
4. Goodfellas
5. 12 Angry Men
6. Jurassic Park
7. Pulp Fiction
8. The Shawshank Redemption
9. Taxi Driver
10. Jaws

1 comment:

droach75 said...

You are gonna hate me for this

#1. Star Wars
#2. Empire Strike Back
#3. Return Of The Jedi
#4. The Phantom Menace
#5. Attack Of The Clones
#6. Revenge Of The Sith
#7. The Clone Wars - The Movie
#8. Blue Harvest - Family Guy Star Wars Spoof
#9. Robot Chicken - Star Wars Spoof
#10. SpaceBalls - The Original Star Wars Spoof.

I am only joking....I would have The Phantom Menace at #10

No seriously i will give my top.10 some serious thought.

Usual Suspects was a surprise,,I didn't relaise you had that much love for it. I pretty much new the rest would be in there.